dinsdag 8 juni 2010

"Hitori bocchi de sukoshi~... "

I wish... I WISH! I love I wish... It was the first Morning Musume song I heard. That's why it always will be a special song for me...

- I just remembered I had to upload eternal snow yesterday XD whatever, I'll do it today -

Anyways... I wish... A special song. Since Im an active buyer on ebay, I thought I could buy some Hello!Project stuff too... So, I bought the I wish cd! I didn't try it yet, but I love it... I just love it. It's a real cd... It's like, it's more real than a mp3-file... It's more special... The first song I heard and the first single to have as a cd too... I love I wish...

But like you probably know, I bought more... I just remember I forgot to make a picture of some other earphones, with ducks! But I made pictures of the other things... I like them so much <33 Especially the plushies and the H!P stuff... They're just awesome...

Here you can see my sweet Bulbasaur! Plus the W clip I was watching! Robokiss! I'll do a duet of it with Momo-chama [xsclsm] soon <3

And here you have Aipom! So soft~ <33333
Togehter with Momo-chama I planned a lot of duets! Im sure we will kill ourselfs with it, but we made a really huge lists. The first - THE FIRST - fifteen are listed in the right order now, so we will concentrate on them first... We'll also do Rainbow Pink and GAM's Melodies soon. I hope they will sound good! We already did Tomodachi wa Tomodachi nanda, and I think we sound pretty good together <3

My ipod touch with Hello Kitty case...! It's pretty cute... not perfect quality, but it was only 5 dollar... so I can live with it =3

That's freakin' me! XD But I didn't show the best yet... well, something kawaii and I really like it <333 Watch it!

JUNJUN <333333333333333333333333333333
I love Junjun... she's so cute and funny <33

Well, that's a short update about my ebay stuff - shot - and duet stuff with Momo <3

Love you~!


zaterdag 29 mei 2010


O my god, you know, Im happy! You probably know I became kinda addicted to ebay. It´s so addicting to buy all kinds of stuff, so I bought several things... Today, the first arrived! My kawaii earphones... I just couldnt control myself and had to buy them =3

Cute, ne? I didnt try them yet, because I forgot my ipod and don't wanna test them on the pc... =D

I hope the other things will come soon too... Only two Momusu things havent been sent yet... The others are confirmed they have been... Ohhh, I want them!

Now I need to record some stuff... I hope my voice likes me today, so it does what it has to do >[!

Oh, and tonight the finals of the Eurovision Song Contest... I wonder which country will win... I liked Ukraine myself... It's a bit weird, but okay... NL was just awfull, so whatever. Romania was also nice and Germany =3 Didnt hear everything though, so I just need to watch tonight n__n

Love you!


dinsdag 18 mei 2010

Melodies in the memories~

For today, I have to admit there's no real reason behind the title. Im just listening to GAM's melodies at the moment. I love that song, the pv and Mikitty... I really love her voice. She was one of the first Hello!Project I liked, because I could recognize her lovely voice. It's really special, different than the other H!P members. And Ayaya is great too, but I don't know one of her solo songs... well, I kinda know a part of Love Namida Iro and Nee~ and maybe even more, but that's all... I probably wouldnt recognize her songs in a Karaoke Challenge...

And yesterday, I also made some pics again! I was soooo cute! No, okay, a bit too much loving myself... It was after school and normally, I dont really wear make-up... I like to do it, but in the morning it's too much work for me... Im not really a morning person... <3 So, in the afternoon, I started to change myself a bit...

I never wear my hair like this XD

Or like this!

Or like this!

I always wear it in a ponytail? lolz... It's easiest... <3

So, now Im gonna make a presentation for English... I cant think of something else than the Tudors... Im so sad... This is so uninteresting, haha... Well, a classmate talked about the industrial revolution, so yeah, whatever...

I also wanted to record something, but my computer acted mean, so nothing uploaded today... I actually wanted to do a live version, recorded something like 15 minutes, totally failing... but I deleted it, because... it failed... but well... ~

Oyasumi~ minna <3


zondag 16 mei 2010


Currently, Im bidding on ebay for some poképlushies, but on most things Ive been outbidden, so I start all again... And I need an e.dentifier thingie, but my dad didnt want me to take his, but now I dont have one T__T So he has to ask a new one, so I can get his, because my mom and gerard dont have the same thingie as I do... grr...

Yay, me and Mystery singing Top Secret by Hangry & Angry. We also did Kill Me Kiss Me! Please check it out, if you didn't already <33 And please comment!

Im also planning to do some dubs... Well, actually, I really want to do a song, but I sooooo know I'll fail. It has high notes and me is not good with high notes! ='[ I'd like to do hare ame nochi suki, by sakura gumi. I really, really, really like it. I also like to do Suki Sugite Baka Mitai by Def.Diva. That's such a great song.

And while I think Im hugging my sweet tiny Pikachu I found. I should draw a new mouth on it XD It's such a cutie! I cant wait for friends for him... [s]yesh, Im really a sad person, but who cares?[/s]



vrijdag 14 mei 2010

Something New...

Yay, I was bored and played with adobe photoshop and I thought of making a new banner... It became pink (and purple) again, now with a picture of Miyabi Natsuyaki. Isn't she pretty, together with those cute thingies in her hand? I did the title the same way as last time, but added some more effects... =3 It's also a bit bigger...

Well, I hope you like it...
I think I do. My old one was a bit boring <3


donderdag 13 mei 2010

Once upon a time~

~there was a girl called Sootie. She went with her mother and Gerard to Barcelona. She came back after a few days from that pretty city, and picked up her old life. She celebrated the 50th birthday of her mom, together with a lot friends and family. But didnt she forget something? Where were the pictures she made?!

Together with my mom in our bathroom in hotel 'comercio'

I might be sleeping here, because I have no idea when this picture was made ^__^" It was probably too interesting for me!

Well, we wére tourists, so here is a 'Barcelona City Tour' bus! <33

You have to admit, this looks pretty! The sea and a weird pretty bridge n__n

And it was a bit windy!

I wont upload the cathedral-pics and stuff... Theyre not interesting... =D
I'll see if there are more interesting pics, and if I'll find them, I'll post them XD

Hahaha! That's my mom on 06/05, her birthday!

Now I need to record Happy Summer Wedding's talking part for Rainbow Ice Cream! I already recorded 21ji made no cinderella and Happy Summer Wedding, my normal parts... I hope they will be out soon! Im really sorry it took so long for me to record!

Ill do my best!


dinsdag 11 mei 2010

+ - x : % < > = aaaaaargh...

You probably can understand what I mean. Math... I hate that subject... Tomorrow I have a test and I think I kinda understand it, but you'll see, I wont understand a thing while making it! It's about matrices... Not even that hard, but I don't know... Those tests are always made like I dont get it anymore... It's sooo not my thing...

I also have a geography test tomorrow... I read it once... Because I needed to understand Math... And I didn't do my homework for French. My teacher might eat me! She'll be mad at me... But Im good at French and NOT in math, so I though Math was more important... >__<" Sorry...?

And once again, I'll ask you <333 If you're not in Kisetsu!project yet or didn't audition yet, please do! Click the audition vid in the 10/05 post... <3

- I just saw My-chan did audition! Good girl *gives candy* -

Tomorrow last day school for this week... two days off, weekend and then school again... Pfuhh... I can't wait for the summer holiday... But, Ill do my best!

