dinsdag 18 mei 2010

Melodies in the memories~

For today, I have to admit there's no real reason behind the title. Im just listening to GAM's melodies at the moment. I love that song, the pv and Mikitty... I really love her voice. She was one of the first Hello!Project I liked, because I could recognize her lovely voice. It's really special, different than the other H!P members. And Ayaya is great too, but I don't know one of her solo songs... well, I kinda know a part of Love Namida Iro and Nee~ and maybe even more, but that's all... I probably wouldnt recognize her songs in a Karaoke Challenge...

And yesterday, I also made some pics again! I was soooo cute! No, okay, a bit too much loving myself... It was after school and normally, I dont really wear make-up... I like to do it, but in the morning it's too much work for me... Im not really a morning person... <3 So, in the afternoon, I started to change myself a bit...

I never wear my hair like this XD

Or like this!

Or like this!

I always wear it in a ponytail? lolz... It's easiest... <3

So, now Im gonna make a presentation for English... I cant think of something else than the Tudors... Im so sad... This is so uninteresting, haha... Well, a classmate talked about the industrial revolution, so yeah, whatever...

I also wanted to record something, but my computer acted mean, so nothing uploaded today... I actually wanted to do a live version, recorded something like 15 minutes, totally failing... but I deleted it, because... it failed... but well... ~

Oyasumi~ minna <3


1 opmerking:

  1. The Victorians are good for presentation as well :)
    From the island where I live, Queen Victoria had a house here - Osborne House, and it's where she lived with her children and also with Prince Albert ^^ If you search for it there's a lot of fasinating things about it as well ^^
    I hoped I help you a bit :D
