maandag 10 mei 2010

Barcelona, give me back my concentration

What's wrong with me... I feel like singing, dancing, jumping, blow shabondama's? XDDD I don't know how to say that, I'm so stupid. It seems that Barcelona didn't only steal my concentration, but also the poor brains that were left in my head...

You know, I should learn at the moment, but I cant concentrate for even five seconds... normally I learn for hours (yesh, I'm an unhealthy person...), but it was kinda a miracle I could write down some words that actually were related to the subject... French... Bah... Okay, I have to admit, it's a beautiful language and I love it! But learning it is ewww... I hate it... It's so boring and if my concentration would work, it would be easy, but I have the feeling I wont even recognize the words tomorrow... I should start earlier with learning! But... I can't... I don't know... I PLAN to do it earlier, but it just never happens... It kinda totally sucks... *sigh*

So, today was the first day after one week holiday... It's not fair... The primary schools are still having holiday! I want that too *cry*... It went actually kinda okay today... My classmates are pretty cool! There are only ten others, I think... *brain doesn't like counting or remembering classmates*... But this class is cool... a teacher always says we really have an own culture... it might be! XD In our first year, four years ago, we started with a terrible class with something like thirty children... I didn't like many of them... Now, there are only nice people left... I'm really happy with that!

At the moment Im listening to Mikan. I still have to record for Lady Nae's and my duet! And for Rainbow Ice Cream, my project together with Mystery-chan [xLittlemystery]... I'm sorry I didnt turn in my lines! Im such a useless leader! >__<"


Oh! And a project Im in, Kisetsu Project, has auditions open for our Berryz Koubou & our C-ute group! Haru C-ute is our C-ute covergroup, with as leader Aly [berrycutekinenbi], to be a group with four other girls! Aki Koubou is the group I'm in! I'm a dedicated member of this project! Our leader is Moni [rcb2418]. Together with her that means we also have a group of five people! Though Pichii [PichiPhoenix] will graduate this autumn to take more care of her schoolwork... The only thing I can do is wish her much luck, but even though we barely ever talked, except for on the forum, we were like family. All the members are!

Here you have the audition video! Please do audition!

Now, after typing I feel... I don't know... Better in my head, but my stomach feels auw... I don't know why... But it doesnt mind! I'll go to bed and will be fine in the morning! I love you all for reading this! It means a lot to me! Take some candy and have a nice day or good night!

Oyasumi~ minna <333


1 opmerking:

  1. At least you have to learn French only for exams... I have to take French and Spanish D:
    Good luck on your exams! Don't stay up late so you could get more rest and you'll feel fresh in the morning ^0^
    Goodnight ~
