dinsdag 11 mei 2010

+ - x : % < > = aaaaaargh...

You probably can understand what I mean. Math... I hate that subject... Tomorrow I have a test and I think I kinda understand it, but you'll see, I wont understand a thing while making it! It's about matrices... Not even that hard, but I don't know... Those tests are always made like I dont get it anymore... It's sooo not my thing...

I also have a geography test tomorrow... I read it once... Because I needed to understand Math... And I didn't do my homework for French. My teacher might eat me! She'll be mad at me... But Im good at French and NOT in math, so I though Math was more important... >__<" Sorry...?

And once again, I'll ask you <333 If you're not in Kisetsu!project yet or didn't audition yet, please do! Click the audition vid in the 10/05 post... <3

- I just saw My-chan did audition! Good girl *gives candy* -

Tomorrow last day school for this week... two days off, weekend and then school again... Pfuhh... I can't wait for the summer holiday... But, Ill do my best!



1 opmerking:

  1. Aaaw poor sootie *gives cookies* Match = stupid.
    My-chan had sportsday thingy today, but it was canceled because of the rain =D So for once, I love the rain xDD

    And thanks for the candy, my-cha auditioned for wakusei too xDD
