dinsdag 13 april 2010

A blog, oh my!

I never thought this day would come...
Me and a blog? That seems to be hopeless...

Well, I thought I might try it. The worst thing that could happen is that I wont be active and that Im talking to myself. That's not that weird, is it? I like to talk to myself. I'm maybe the only one that really listens anyways...

So, today, 13 April 2010, the day after Yoshizawa Hitomi's and Suzuki Airi's birthday, I started this blog. I called it 'Lovely Candystore'... kinda lame isn't it? Maybe kinda cute? I hope so... I like candy, especially digital candy, that I can give to all of you! And I will, because you are reading this message and that's a miracle! So please take a bite! *gives some candy*

for me, this could be killing... ór being great for my english and for my... well, for my english. Im Dutch, live in The Netherlands, Europe. My English isn't that great, so please forgive me mistakes!

And of course, something more fun than making a blog in English, is talking about great things, like Hello!Project covergroups, fandubs and hello!project in general. I love to sing and I really have been into Hello!Project since June 2009, so that's not even a year. In those few months I became a fandubber and now I am part of several coverprojects. I'll definitely talk about them and their releases. I can't wait for them! I love to hear new groupdubs and improvements. I hope all the projects I am in will improve a lot and I hope I'll do too...

Bonus fact about me: I talk a lot!

So, this is the start of Lovely Candystore...
Lets try to keep this alive =)


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