zaterdag 24 april 2010

mom... no...! =\

I became bad with blogging, but I dont think it really cares. Anyways, today it was such a beautiful spring day. Lovely weather, oh, I love it! The nature doesn't look dead anymore and I didn't need a coat! That's like, heaven! I hate it to wear them, just like socks! Yesh, I'm kinda weird, but if you are reading this, you probably know already...

At the moment I'm waiting untill my friends will come to stay here a night...
tomorrow is the Elf Fantasy Fair!!!!!!!!!!!
And I just received a sms, they'll be here in 30 minutes! ghehe!

Oh! And even though this isn't recent, I wanted to show you a picture!

It's a Sootie! And a My-chan! [sootjeNL & xLittleMystery]
Don't we look great together?!
Hmm, never mind...

A lot more recent is what the title is about...
I swear, don't - I repeat - DON'T let my mom do your make-up. It's dangerous... I kinda looked like the thing I'm scared for... A freakin' clown! I'll show you!

That's how I felt! like =\

I kept saying: "You know I don't want to be the purple version of Amy Winehouse, do you?!" And don't we look like each other?! haha...

This was how I looked like after I fixed my make-up a bit... I'll do it myself in the future...

Now, Im still waiting, listening to Berryz Koubou's second single and I think I'll hear piriri to yukou rest of the night... We're kinda addicted!

And if you haven't done already, please watch Miracle Musume's first single, A-side! Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai! I'm doing Takahashi Ai's lines <3


2 opmerkingen:

  1. I look so ugly on that picture >_< I'm much prettier than that. *ego*
    But we had lots of fun xP

    And never let your mom do your make-up, let me do it =P

  2. Awwww Sootie-chama you & My-tan look soo pretty together! \*O*/ And Mom looks really sweet too and hehe I think she did awesome job with your eyes sooo cute! ^O^
