maandag 19 april 2010

Ouch, my a~rm

I am so bad, already skipped some days...
I was actually kinda busy! With recording, ghehe. Maybe not a very good excuse, but well... I had to record seven songs for Wakusei!Project, but I managed it, even though I didn't know Chokotto Love and Renai Sentai Shitsu Ranger. Kinda a fail, because those songs were for the group I'm leader of, hehe ^__^"... I'll try my best to learn all the songs next time! The day after I recorded my parts for Bananacho's [Amandaphobia08] Nine Smile concert. Yesterday and the day before yesterday, I think, I recorded also for the new project Im in! Hanabi!Project, together with some members of Wakusei! My sweet Wakusei!Family... We're really close =) That's what a project has to be, like a family, like candy! Okay, I should stop being an old man, but it kinda suits me, ghehe~! n_~

But as you can read in the title, my aaaaaaarm hurts so badly now! Today I had an injection thingie against some cancer thingie... (English terms are hard you know, if you don't know them!) And at first it didnt hurt at all, but now it feels really bad! My arm feels so heavy, like I will collapse to the left side. Bweh.

But let skip that part... Music! Im so addicted to Sukiyaki last days! That song is so funny and active! ^_^ I really want to dub it! Plus Im addicted to Koi no Fuga >[ I want to dub that too, so I can show you guys I know the song now! I really didn't know the song when I did my Karaoke Challenge, even though I listened to it before! If you havent yet, please listen to it! ! I sounded kinda scared in the beginning, haha! And I still wanna dub Rainbow Pink! It's so kawaii! I'm gonna duet it too, with Moka-chan [animeobsessed40], but I would like to sing it solo too! It's such a great song! Its a shame Sayumin and Koha won't perform it together anymore =[

Plus! I can't wait untill some new releases from projects! Wakusei!project will release some new singles soon and I can't wait for it! hanabi!Project and xKiraKira should be able to release something soon too! Aah, I wanna hear it!

Please be sure you'll eat some candy today!


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