zaterdag 17 april 2010

Yay it's weekend...

Saturday, I love this day. No school, no need to go to bed early. I'm a evening or night person. The nature is beautiful then, with the moon and stars in the sky. at the moment, it its 11.45. So it's still morning. The sky is light blue, no clouds... actually that's kinda pretty too. Though, I have to say, at the moment I dont really have the time to think about that. I should record.

This is probably the first time I actually talk about dubbing, haha. I have due today and I dont want to be late, even though I don't know some of the songs, like Chokotte Love and Renai Sentai Shitsu Ranger for Wakusei!Project... hmm, aren't they for the group Im leader of? Well, Ill learn it while singing, that works too. Luckily!

But Wakusei's dubs are due today and I only recorded two songs for it! At the moment - before I started to eat and type this - I was recording The Peace, Yossie's part. I love Yossie. She's so cool and funny <3
But I really have to record. I dont want Mommy Wakusei angry ^__^" Plus there are also some dues tomorrow, also for Banancho, so I should do my best!

Did you ever drink Aloƫ Vera drank? I was like 'that excists?' when I saw it for the first time! My mom bought it and actually, it smelled kinda good, so I tried it! It was... weird, but good! So I forced my mom to buy some more for me, haha! It's really good and it seems healthy too?

Yesterday I didnt post anything, but I went to a basketball game. Here you could say 'SOOTIE&BASKETBALL O MY?!' haha, its even more weird than a blog and I, because I actually kinda like it. I can talk so much, ghehe! But I have to admit, I really dislike basketball. It's so annoying to play, because I can't and boring to watch, because I dont understand it really well. Though, please let me watch, Im too lazy to play that kind of sport. Actually almost for every sport, but never mind!

So, now I'll go on with recording!
Please take some candy
*gives candy*


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