donderdag 15 april 2010

Dresses, Ducks & Dreams...

As you probably don't know (or maybe you are smarter than I thought, I don't know) the 24th & 25th April in Haarzuilens, the Netherlands, there will be held the Elf Fantasy Fair. It´s such a great convention! Most people will be dressed in a gothic way, middle ages, but there are so many things to see!

This year, it will be my third year to go and I can´t wait! But it´s not really fun to be there without a nice costume. It doesnt have to be something big, but go as your total self, that would be boring. I´d feel weird, with all those people with fantastic costumes around me!

Here, doesnt that woman looks fabulous?!?! I wish I had a costume like that!

But I dont, so I went shopping with my mother, to have at least something that Im not used to wear. We went to some boutiques, but there's one that sells so many great things! I love it, and the woman that worked there was nice =)! She didn't disturbed us when we were looking and helped when I tried some dresses. Oh, really, I can't stand people from those shops asking if they can help you! I cant believe there's something more annoying than that! >[

There were some beautiful dresses, but because it's for the EFF I chose a black one. The woman and my mother thought it looked good. I hope that's true! But I really like the dress, in some way, it's actually kinda cute, haha.

There it is, what do you think? It's kinda short, but I'll wear it with a legging or something ;D

After we bought the dress, we went to some more shops and there...! Well, maybe I should tell you first that I am kinda an addict. No drugs or alcohol for me, but rubber ducks, they are SOOOO kawaii! I have over at least sixty rubber ducks in my room and I soooo want more! But I cant really find more in shops. I dont live in a big city, so there arent that many shops I can buy them. Plus I am too lazy to use the internet! Haha, I am so bad! ^__^"

Well, after that, you can probably tell what I'm going to tell you! In one of the shops I saw them! DUUUUUUUCKS! I didnt really have the time to look at them, because the shops almost closed, but I was smart enought to snatch one before we went away!!! So now, I have a new, beautiful duck <333 It's so lovely! I wanna kiss it!

Aww, looks like someone stole my idea?! Isn't it cute, that pink cutie <33
As you can read, I kinda AM an addict!

Here you can see it again, but now together with some more duckies ánd my Hangry&Angry wallet I got for my birthday in January from my sweet friend Verow-chan. You might know her as xLittleMystery from Youtube. She's an angel <3

Well, it's a quarter to eleven. I'm going to sleep and then tomorrow I'll do my best again! I really have to record for some projects and I want to upload a solodub! My SootjeNL-account could use some new dubs! But that's stuff to think about tomorrow!

Oyasumi everyone!
Let's have beautiful dreams tonight...


2 opmerkingen:

    I would dress in gothic lolita XDDD

    Can you imagine it XD?


    And love your dress *gonna steal it*

    And your sweet too

    luv ya *hugs*
