woensdag 14 april 2010

Yep, that's me...

Second post! Wow, I did it!!

First of all, I'd need to mention I am really bad with titles! How can those bloggers find so many great and fitting titles? This is 'Yep, that's me' because I'd like to introduce myself a little bit more.

So, that's me! haha.
As you can see I have light skin and dark hair and eyes. I like that, actually, even though it wouldn't be weird to have a skin thats a little bit darker. But since I have liked Hello!Project and saw those cute Japanese people, I didnt really care anymore. It has something kawaii, even though I dont think I am... unfortunately. I wish I was cuter!
But please let me explain why I look like this! My mother, she was born here, in the Netherlands. She has a pale skin and blonde hairs. People often ask if I am adopted... NOOO!!! It's my dad's fault. He was born in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. He has a kinda dark skin and dark hair and eyes. I have almost everything from him, EXCEPT my skincolor! It's kinda weird, but lately I became okay with it! =)

At the moment, I am 16 years old, born in January 1994. I live together with my Mom and her boyfriend. I visit my father every weekend (even though there's not something like a scheme). They divorced in 2001 or 2002. I don't really mind it. It's better that they are happy now and they still are good friends! Their happiness is the most important thing for me! <3

As you could see at the picture above, I have an animal! Well, actually I have more than only a dog, but I am at my mom's house now and here I have a dog. It's called Daisy. I have to say, I never knew dogs could be so weird. This dog is impossible! But I have to admit, it's a cutie, though!
At my dad's house I have a cat, Floris. He's black and white and it's a lovely animal, but it doesnt seem to like me =[ I always want to hug it, but when I do, Floris will be away in a few seconds! Sad, isn't it?

Pretty isn't it?
I have no idea what kind of flower it is and it looks actually pretty weird, but I really like the color! It reminds me of the spring! It has finally started! The sun is back and you can feel it! It feels so good! The little sunshines of spring on your face. It's so much better than the snow whe had for... a few months? Brrrr!
Let's hope for a nice spring and a good summer!

Now I'll have to go to bed. Tomorrow I have to go to school and I can tell you, I am not a morning person! I better go to bed, haha!



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