zaterdag 29 mei 2010


O my god, you know, Im happy! You probably know I became kinda addicted to ebay. It´s so addicting to buy all kinds of stuff, so I bought several things... Today, the first arrived! My kawaii earphones... I just couldnt control myself and had to buy them =3

Cute, ne? I didnt try them yet, because I forgot my ipod and don't wanna test them on the pc... =D

I hope the other things will come soon too... Only two Momusu things havent been sent yet... The others are confirmed they have been... Ohhh, I want them!

Now I need to record some stuff... I hope my voice likes me today, so it does what it has to do >[!

Oh, and tonight the finals of the Eurovision Song Contest... I wonder which country will win... I liked Ukraine myself... It's a bit weird, but okay... NL was just awfull, so whatever. Romania was also nice and Germany =3 Didnt hear everything though, so I just need to watch tonight n__n

Love you!


dinsdag 18 mei 2010

Melodies in the memories~

For today, I have to admit there's no real reason behind the title. Im just listening to GAM's melodies at the moment. I love that song, the pv and Mikitty... I really love her voice. She was one of the first Hello!Project I liked, because I could recognize her lovely voice. It's really special, different than the other H!P members. And Ayaya is great too, but I don't know one of her solo songs... well, I kinda know a part of Love Namida Iro and Nee~ and maybe even more, but that's all... I probably wouldnt recognize her songs in a Karaoke Challenge...

And yesterday, I also made some pics again! I was soooo cute! No, okay, a bit too much loving myself... It was after school and normally, I dont really wear make-up... I like to do it, but in the morning it's too much work for me... Im not really a morning person... <3 So, in the afternoon, I started to change myself a bit...

I never wear my hair like this XD

Or like this!

Or like this!

I always wear it in a ponytail? lolz... It's easiest... <3

So, now Im gonna make a presentation for English... I cant think of something else than the Tudors... Im so sad... This is so uninteresting, haha... Well, a classmate talked about the industrial revolution, so yeah, whatever...

I also wanted to record something, but my computer acted mean, so nothing uploaded today... I actually wanted to do a live version, recorded something like 15 minutes, totally failing... but I deleted it, because... it failed... but well... ~

Oyasumi~ minna <3


zondag 16 mei 2010


Currently, Im bidding on ebay for some poképlushies, but on most things Ive been outbidden, so I start all again... And I need an e.dentifier thingie, but my dad didnt want me to take his, but now I dont have one T__T So he has to ask a new one, so I can get his, because my mom and gerard dont have the same thingie as I do... grr...

Yay, me and Mystery singing Top Secret by Hangry & Angry. We also did Kill Me Kiss Me! Please check it out, if you didn't already <33 And please comment!

Im also planning to do some dubs... Well, actually, I really want to do a song, but I sooooo know I'll fail. It has high notes and me is not good with high notes! ='[ I'd like to do hare ame nochi suki, by sakura gumi. I really, really, really like it. I also like to do Suki Sugite Baka Mitai by Def.Diva. That's such a great song.

And while I think Im hugging my sweet tiny Pikachu I found. I should draw a new mouth on it XD It's such a cutie! I cant wait for friends for him... [s]yesh, Im really a sad person, but who cares?[/s]



vrijdag 14 mei 2010

Something New...

Yay, I was bored and played with adobe photoshop and I thought of making a new banner... It became pink (and purple) again, now with a picture of Miyabi Natsuyaki. Isn't she pretty, together with those cute thingies in her hand? I did the title the same way as last time, but added some more effects... =3 It's also a bit bigger...

Well, I hope you like it...
I think I do. My old one was a bit boring <3


donderdag 13 mei 2010

Once upon a time~

~there was a girl called Sootie. She went with her mother and Gerard to Barcelona. She came back after a few days from that pretty city, and picked up her old life. She celebrated the 50th birthday of her mom, together with a lot friends and family. But didnt she forget something? Where were the pictures she made?!

Together with my mom in our bathroom in hotel 'comercio'

I might be sleeping here, because I have no idea when this picture was made ^__^" It was probably too interesting for me!

Well, we wére tourists, so here is a 'Barcelona City Tour' bus! <33

You have to admit, this looks pretty! The sea and a weird pretty bridge n__n

And it was a bit windy!

I wont upload the cathedral-pics and stuff... Theyre not interesting... =D
I'll see if there are more interesting pics, and if I'll find them, I'll post them XD

Hahaha! That's my mom on 06/05, her birthday!

Now I need to record Happy Summer Wedding's talking part for Rainbow Ice Cream! I already recorded 21ji made no cinderella and Happy Summer Wedding, my normal parts... I hope they will be out soon! Im really sorry it took so long for me to record!

Ill do my best!


dinsdag 11 mei 2010

+ - x : % < > = aaaaaargh...

You probably can understand what I mean. Math... I hate that subject... Tomorrow I have a test and I think I kinda understand it, but you'll see, I wont understand a thing while making it! It's about matrices... Not even that hard, but I don't know... Those tests are always made like I dont get it anymore... It's sooo not my thing...

I also have a geography test tomorrow... I read it once... Because I needed to understand Math... And I didn't do my homework for French. My teacher might eat me! She'll be mad at me... But Im good at French and NOT in math, so I though Math was more important... >__<" Sorry...?

And once again, I'll ask you <333 If you're not in Kisetsu!project yet or didn't audition yet, please do! Click the audition vid in the 10/05 post... <3

- I just saw My-chan did audition! Good girl *gives candy* -

Tomorrow last day school for this week... two days off, weekend and then school again... Pfuhh... I can't wait for the summer holiday... But, Ill do my best!



maandag 10 mei 2010

Barcelona, give me back my concentration

What's wrong with me... I feel like singing, dancing, jumping, blow shabondama's? XDDD I don't know how to say that, I'm so stupid. It seems that Barcelona didn't only steal my concentration, but also the poor brains that were left in my head...

You know, I should learn at the moment, but I cant concentrate for even five seconds... normally I learn for hours (yesh, I'm an unhealthy person...), but it was kinda a miracle I could write down some words that actually were related to the subject... French... Bah... Okay, I have to admit, it's a beautiful language and I love it! But learning it is ewww... I hate it... It's so boring and if my concentration would work, it would be easy, but I have the feeling I wont even recognize the words tomorrow... I should start earlier with learning! But... I can't... I don't know... I PLAN to do it earlier, but it just never happens... It kinda totally sucks... *sigh*

So, today was the first day after one week holiday... It's not fair... The primary schools are still having holiday! I want that too *cry*... It went actually kinda okay today... My classmates are pretty cool! There are only ten others, I think... *brain doesn't like counting or remembering classmates*... But this class is cool... a teacher always says we really have an own culture... it might be! XD In our first year, four years ago, we started with a terrible class with something like thirty children... I didn't like many of them... Now, there are only nice people left... I'm really happy with that!

At the moment Im listening to Mikan. I still have to record for Lady Nae's and my duet! And for Rainbow Ice Cream, my project together with Mystery-chan [xLittlemystery]... I'm sorry I didnt turn in my lines! Im such a useless leader! >__<"


Oh! And a project Im in, Kisetsu Project, has auditions open for our Berryz Koubou & our C-ute group! Haru C-ute is our C-ute covergroup, with as leader Aly [berrycutekinenbi], to be a group with four other girls! Aki Koubou is the group I'm in! I'm a dedicated member of this project! Our leader is Moni [rcb2418]. Together with her that means we also have a group of five people! Though Pichii [PichiPhoenix] will graduate this autumn to take more care of her schoolwork... The only thing I can do is wish her much luck, but even though we barely ever talked, except for on the forum, we were like family. All the members are!

Here you have the audition video! Please do audition!

Now, after typing I feel... I don't know... Better in my head, but my stomach feels auw... I don't know why... But it doesnt mind! I'll go to bed and will be fine in the morning! I love you all for reading this! It means a lot to me! Take some candy and have a nice day or good night!

Oyasumi~ minna <333


zondag 9 mei 2010

Bad girls don't deserve candy!

Yes, me is a bad girl! I didn't write something for ages! So I'm forcing myself to do it now, while my dad is watching old videos from when I was four... Eww... I was still cute there... And unbelievable annoying with screeming and brabbling all kind of things I don't understand... And I got candy!

Now I don't get candy, because I have to keep this active! And that's actually pretty hard... I didn't even show you pictures from the Elf Fantasy Fair or my holiday in Barcelona! I didn't even mention this holiday before, so I was acting really bad...

And it's mother's day today... And Im at my dad's house... Discussing with my dad about videos which holiday by plane was the last before my parents divorced... I think I should message my mother to ask where they are, at my grandparent's home or our own home... Its always a mystery for me, haha...

Oh and great Lady Nae [NaeHoshiChan] and I will duet Mikan! I hope it will sound great! I love that song and Nae-chan is fanta~stic <33 Me luvs her! =3

Love you all! <3