dinsdag 8 juni 2010

"Hitori bocchi de sukoshi~... "

I wish... I WISH! I love I wish... It was the first Morning Musume song I heard. That's why it always will be a special song for me...

- I just remembered I had to upload eternal snow yesterday XD whatever, I'll do it today -

Anyways... I wish... A special song. Since Im an active buyer on ebay, I thought I could buy some Hello!Project stuff too... So, I bought the I wish cd! I didn't try it yet, but I love it... I just love it. It's a real cd... It's like, it's more real than a mp3-file... It's more special... The first song I heard and the first single to have as a cd too... I love I wish...

But like you probably know, I bought more... I just remember I forgot to make a picture of some other earphones, with ducks! But I made pictures of the other things... I like them so much <33 Especially the plushies and the H!P stuff... They're just awesome...

Here you can see my sweet Bulbasaur! Plus the W clip I was watching! Robokiss! I'll do a duet of it with Momo-chama [xsclsm] soon <3

And here you have Aipom! So soft~ <33333
Togehter with Momo-chama I planned a lot of duets! Im sure we will kill ourselfs with it, but we made a really huge lists. The first - THE FIRST - fifteen are listed in the right order now, so we will concentrate on them first... We'll also do Rainbow Pink and GAM's Melodies soon. I hope they will sound good! We already did Tomodachi wa Tomodachi nanda, and I think we sound pretty good together <3

My ipod touch with Hello Kitty case...! It's pretty cute... not perfect quality, but it was only 5 dollar... so I can live with it =3

That's freakin' me! XD But I didn't show the best yet... well, something kawaii and I really like it <333 Watch it!

JUNJUN <333333333333333333333333333333
I love Junjun... she's so cute and funny <33

Well, that's a short update about my ebay stuff - shot - and duet stuff with Momo <3

Love you~!


zaterdag 29 mei 2010


O my god, you know, Im happy! You probably know I became kinda addicted to ebay. It´s so addicting to buy all kinds of stuff, so I bought several things... Today, the first arrived! My kawaii earphones... I just couldnt control myself and had to buy them =3

Cute, ne? I didnt try them yet, because I forgot my ipod and don't wanna test them on the pc... =D

I hope the other things will come soon too... Only two Momusu things havent been sent yet... The others are confirmed they have been... Ohhh, I want them!

Now I need to record some stuff... I hope my voice likes me today, so it does what it has to do >[!

Oh, and tonight the finals of the Eurovision Song Contest... I wonder which country will win... I liked Ukraine myself... It's a bit weird, but okay... NL was just awfull, so whatever. Romania was also nice and Germany =3 Didnt hear everything though, so I just need to watch tonight n__n

Love you!


dinsdag 18 mei 2010

Melodies in the memories~

For today, I have to admit there's no real reason behind the title. Im just listening to GAM's melodies at the moment. I love that song, the pv and Mikitty... I really love her voice. She was one of the first Hello!Project I liked, because I could recognize her lovely voice. It's really special, different than the other H!P members. And Ayaya is great too, but I don't know one of her solo songs... well, I kinda know a part of Love Namida Iro and Nee~ and maybe even more, but that's all... I probably wouldnt recognize her songs in a Karaoke Challenge...

And yesterday, I also made some pics again! I was soooo cute! No, okay, a bit too much loving myself... It was after school and normally, I dont really wear make-up... I like to do it, but in the morning it's too much work for me... Im not really a morning person... <3 So, in the afternoon, I started to change myself a bit...

I never wear my hair like this XD

Or like this!

Or like this!

I always wear it in a ponytail? lolz... It's easiest... <3

So, now Im gonna make a presentation for English... I cant think of something else than the Tudors... Im so sad... This is so uninteresting, haha... Well, a classmate talked about the industrial revolution, so yeah, whatever...

I also wanted to record something, but my computer acted mean, so nothing uploaded today... I actually wanted to do a live version, recorded something like 15 minutes, totally failing... but I deleted it, because... it failed... but well... ~

Oyasumi~ minna <3


zondag 16 mei 2010


Currently, Im bidding on ebay for some poképlushies, but on most things Ive been outbidden, so I start all again... And I need an e.dentifier thingie, but my dad didnt want me to take his, but now I dont have one T__T So he has to ask a new one, so I can get his, because my mom and gerard dont have the same thingie as I do... grr...

Yay, me and Mystery singing Top Secret by Hangry & Angry. We also did Kill Me Kiss Me! Please check it out, if you didn't already <33 And please comment!

Im also planning to do some dubs... Well, actually, I really want to do a song, but I sooooo know I'll fail. It has high notes and me is not good with high notes! ='[ I'd like to do hare ame nochi suki, by sakura gumi. I really, really, really like it. I also like to do Suki Sugite Baka Mitai by Def.Diva. That's such a great song.

And while I think Im hugging my sweet tiny Pikachu I found. I should draw a new mouth on it XD It's such a cutie! I cant wait for friends for him... [s]yesh, Im really a sad person, but who cares?[/s]



vrijdag 14 mei 2010

Something New...

Yay, I was bored and played with adobe photoshop and I thought of making a new banner... It became pink (and purple) again, now with a picture of Miyabi Natsuyaki. Isn't she pretty, together with those cute thingies in her hand? I did the title the same way as last time, but added some more effects... =3 It's also a bit bigger...

Well, I hope you like it...
I think I do. My old one was a bit boring <3


donderdag 13 mei 2010

Once upon a time~

~there was a girl called Sootie. She went with her mother and Gerard to Barcelona. She came back after a few days from that pretty city, and picked up her old life. She celebrated the 50th birthday of her mom, together with a lot friends and family. But didnt she forget something? Where were the pictures she made?!

Together with my mom in our bathroom in hotel 'comercio'

I might be sleeping here, because I have no idea when this picture was made ^__^" It was probably too interesting for me!

Well, we wére tourists, so here is a 'Barcelona City Tour' bus! <33

You have to admit, this looks pretty! The sea and a weird pretty bridge n__n

And it was a bit windy!

I wont upload the cathedral-pics and stuff... Theyre not interesting... =D
I'll see if there are more interesting pics, and if I'll find them, I'll post them XD

Hahaha! That's my mom on 06/05, her birthday!

Now I need to record Happy Summer Wedding's talking part for Rainbow Ice Cream! I already recorded 21ji made no cinderella and Happy Summer Wedding, my normal parts... I hope they will be out soon! Im really sorry it took so long for me to record!

Ill do my best!


dinsdag 11 mei 2010

+ - x : % < > = aaaaaargh...

You probably can understand what I mean. Math... I hate that subject... Tomorrow I have a test and I think I kinda understand it, but you'll see, I wont understand a thing while making it! It's about matrices... Not even that hard, but I don't know... Those tests are always made like I dont get it anymore... It's sooo not my thing...

I also have a geography test tomorrow... I read it once... Because I needed to understand Math... And I didn't do my homework for French. My teacher might eat me! She'll be mad at me... But Im good at French and NOT in math, so I though Math was more important... >__<" Sorry...?

And once again, I'll ask you <333 If you're not in Kisetsu!project yet or didn't audition yet, please do! Click the audition vid in the 10/05 post... <3

- I just saw My-chan did audition! Good girl *gives candy* -

Tomorrow last day school for this week... two days off, weekend and then school again... Pfuhh... I can't wait for the summer holiday... But, Ill do my best!



maandag 10 mei 2010

Barcelona, give me back my concentration

What's wrong with me... I feel like singing, dancing, jumping, blow shabondama's? XDDD I don't know how to say that, I'm so stupid. It seems that Barcelona didn't only steal my concentration, but also the poor brains that were left in my head...

You know, I should learn at the moment, but I cant concentrate for even five seconds... normally I learn for hours (yesh, I'm an unhealthy person...), but it was kinda a miracle I could write down some words that actually were related to the subject... French... Bah... Okay, I have to admit, it's a beautiful language and I love it! But learning it is ewww... I hate it... It's so boring and if my concentration would work, it would be easy, but I have the feeling I wont even recognize the words tomorrow... I should start earlier with learning! But... I can't... I don't know... I PLAN to do it earlier, but it just never happens... It kinda totally sucks... *sigh*

So, today was the first day after one week holiday... It's not fair... The primary schools are still having holiday! I want that too *cry*... It went actually kinda okay today... My classmates are pretty cool! There are only ten others, I think... *brain doesn't like counting or remembering classmates*... But this class is cool... a teacher always says we really have an own culture... it might be! XD In our first year, four years ago, we started with a terrible class with something like thirty children... I didn't like many of them... Now, there are only nice people left... I'm really happy with that!

At the moment Im listening to Mikan. I still have to record for Lady Nae's and my duet! And for Rainbow Ice Cream, my project together with Mystery-chan [xLittlemystery]... I'm sorry I didnt turn in my lines! Im such a useless leader! >__<"


Oh! And a project Im in, Kisetsu Project, has auditions open for our Berryz Koubou & our C-ute group! Haru C-ute is our C-ute covergroup, with as leader Aly [berrycutekinenbi], to be a group with four other girls! Aki Koubou is the group I'm in! I'm a dedicated member of this project! Our leader is Moni [rcb2418]. Together with her that means we also have a group of five people! Though Pichii [PichiPhoenix] will graduate this autumn to take more care of her schoolwork... The only thing I can do is wish her much luck, but even though we barely ever talked, except for on the forum, we were like family. All the members are!

Here you have the audition video! Please do audition!

Now, after typing I feel... I don't know... Better in my head, but my stomach feels auw... I don't know why... But it doesnt mind! I'll go to bed and will be fine in the morning! I love you all for reading this! It means a lot to me! Take some candy and have a nice day or good night!

Oyasumi~ minna <333


zondag 9 mei 2010

Bad girls don't deserve candy!

Yes, me is a bad girl! I didn't write something for ages! So I'm forcing myself to do it now, while my dad is watching old videos from when I was four... Eww... I was still cute there... And unbelievable annoying with screeming and brabbling all kind of things I don't understand... And I got candy!

Now I don't get candy, because I have to keep this active! And that's actually pretty hard... I didn't even show you pictures from the Elf Fantasy Fair or my holiday in Barcelona! I didn't even mention this holiday before, so I was acting really bad...

And it's mother's day today... And Im at my dad's house... Discussing with my dad about videos which holiday by plane was the last before my parents divorced... I think I should message my mother to ask where they are, at my grandparent's home or our own home... Its always a mystery for me, haha...

Oh and great Lady Nae [NaeHoshiChan] and I will duet Mikan! I hope it will sound great! I love that song and Nae-chan is fanta~stic <33 Me luvs her! =3

Love you all! <3

zaterdag 24 april 2010

mom... no...! =\

I became bad with blogging, but I dont think it really cares. Anyways, today it was such a beautiful spring day. Lovely weather, oh, I love it! The nature doesn't look dead anymore and I didn't need a coat! That's like, heaven! I hate it to wear them, just like socks! Yesh, I'm kinda weird, but if you are reading this, you probably know already...

At the moment I'm waiting untill my friends will come to stay here a night...
tomorrow is the Elf Fantasy Fair!!!!!!!!!!!
And I just received a sms, they'll be here in 30 minutes! ghehe!

Oh! And even though this isn't recent, I wanted to show you a picture!

It's a Sootie! And a My-chan! [sootjeNL & xLittleMystery]
Don't we look great together?!
Hmm, never mind...

A lot more recent is what the title is about...
I swear, don't - I repeat - DON'T let my mom do your make-up. It's dangerous... I kinda looked like the thing I'm scared for... A freakin' clown! I'll show you!

That's how I felt! like =\

I kept saying: "You know I don't want to be the purple version of Amy Winehouse, do you?!" And don't we look like each other?! haha...

This was how I looked like after I fixed my make-up a bit... I'll do it myself in the future...

Now, Im still waiting, listening to Berryz Koubou's second single and I think I'll hear piriri to yukou rest of the night... We're kinda addicted!

And if you haven't done already, please watch Miracle Musume's first single, A-side! Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai! I'm doing Takahashi Ai's lines <3



maandag 19 april 2010

Ouch, my a~rm

I am so bad, already skipped some days...
I was actually kinda busy! With recording, ghehe. Maybe not a very good excuse, but well... I had to record seven songs for Wakusei!Project, but I managed it, even though I didn't know Chokotto Love and Renai Sentai Shitsu Ranger. Kinda a fail, because those songs were for the group I'm leader of, hehe ^__^"... I'll try my best to learn all the songs next time! The day after I recorded my parts for Bananacho's [Amandaphobia08] Nine Smile concert. Yesterday and the day before yesterday, I think, I recorded also for the new project Im in! Hanabi!Project, together with some members of Wakusei! My sweet Wakusei!Family... We're really close =) That's what a project has to be, like a family, like candy! Okay, I should stop being an old man, but it kinda suits me, ghehe~! n_~

But as you can read in the title, my aaaaaaarm hurts so badly now! Today I had an injection thingie against some cancer thingie... (English terms are hard you know, if you don't know them!) And at first it didnt hurt at all, but now it feels really bad! My arm feels so heavy, like I will collapse to the left side. Bweh.

But let skip that part... Music! Im so addicted to Sukiyaki last days! That song is so funny and active! ^_^ I really want to dub it! Plus Im addicted to Koi no Fuga >[ I want to dub that too, so I can show you guys I know the song now! I really didn't know the song when I did my Karaoke Challenge, even though I listened to it before! If you havent yet, please listen to it! ! I sounded kinda scared in the beginning, haha! And I still wanna dub Rainbow Pink! It's so kawaii! I'm gonna duet it too, with Moka-chan [animeobsessed40], but I would like to sing it solo too! It's such a great song! Its a shame Sayumin and Koha won't perform it together anymore =[

Plus! I can't wait untill some new releases from projects! Wakusei!project will release some new singles soon and I can't wait for it! hanabi!Project and xKiraKira should be able to release something soon too! Aah, I wanna hear it!

Please be sure you'll eat some candy today!


zaterdag 17 april 2010

Yay it's weekend...

Saturday, I love this day. No school, no need to go to bed early. I'm a evening or night person. The nature is beautiful then, with the moon and stars in the sky. at the moment, it its 11.45. So it's still morning. The sky is light blue, no clouds... actually that's kinda pretty too. Though, I have to say, at the moment I dont really have the time to think about that. I should record.

This is probably the first time I actually talk about dubbing, haha. I have due today and I dont want to be late, even though I don't know some of the songs, like Chokotte Love and Renai Sentai Shitsu Ranger for Wakusei!Project... hmm, aren't they for the group Im leader of? Well, Ill learn it while singing, that works too. Luckily!

But Wakusei's dubs are due today and I only recorded two songs for it! At the moment - before I started to eat and type this - I was recording The Peace, Yossie's part. I love Yossie. She's so cool and funny <3
But I really have to record. I dont want Mommy Wakusei angry ^__^" Plus there are also some dues tomorrow, also for Banancho, so I should do my best!

Did you ever drink Aloë Vera drank? I was like 'that excists?' when I saw it for the first time! My mom bought it and actually, it smelled kinda good, so I tried it! It was... weird, but good! So I forced my mom to buy some more for me, haha! It's really good and it seems healthy too?

Yesterday I didnt post anything, but I went to a basketball game. Here you could say 'SOOTIE&BASKETBALL O MY?!' haha, its even more weird than a blog and I, because I actually kinda like it. I can talk so much, ghehe! But I have to admit, I really dislike basketball. It's so annoying to play, because I can't and boring to watch, because I dont understand it really well. Though, please let me watch, Im too lazy to play that kind of sport. Actually almost for every sport, but never mind!

So, now I'll go on with recording!
Please take some candy
*gives candy*


donderdag 15 april 2010

Dresses, Ducks & Dreams...

As you probably don't know (or maybe you are smarter than I thought, I don't know) the 24th & 25th April in Haarzuilens, the Netherlands, there will be held the Elf Fantasy Fair. It´s such a great convention! Most people will be dressed in a gothic way, middle ages, but there are so many things to see!

This year, it will be my third year to go and I can´t wait! But it´s not really fun to be there without a nice costume. It doesnt have to be something big, but go as your total self, that would be boring. I´d feel weird, with all those people with fantastic costumes around me!

Here, doesnt that woman looks fabulous?!?! I wish I had a costume like that!

But I dont, so I went shopping with my mother, to have at least something that Im not used to wear. We went to some boutiques, but there's one that sells so many great things! I love it, and the woman that worked there was nice =)! She didn't disturbed us when we were looking and helped when I tried some dresses. Oh, really, I can't stand people from those shops asking if they can help you! I cant believe there's something more annoying than that! >[

There were some beautiful dresses, but because it's for the EFF I chose a black one. The woman and my mother thought it looked good. I hope that's true! But I really like the dress, in some way, it's actually kinda cute, haha.

There it is, what do you think? It's kinda short, but I'll wear it with a legging or something ;D

After we bought the dress, we went to some more shops and there...! Well, maybe I should tell you first that I am kinda an addict. No drugs or alcohol for me, but rubber ducks, they are SOOOO kawaii! I have over at least sixty rubber ducks in my room and I soooo want more! But I cant really find more in shops. I dont live in a big city, so there arent that many shops I can buy them. Plus I am too lazy to use the internet! Haha, I am so bad! ^__^"

Well, after that, you can probably tell what I'm going to tell you! In one of the shops I saw them! DUUUUUUUCKS! I didnt really have the time to look at them, because the shops almost closed, but I was smart enought to snatch one before we went away!!! So now, I have a new, beautiful duck <333 It's so lovely! I wanna kiss it!

Aww, looks like someone stole my idea?! Isn't it cute, that pink cutie <33
As you can read, I kinda AM an addict!

Here you can see it again, but now together with some more duckies ánd my Hangry&Angry wallet I got for my birthday in January from my sweet friend Verow-chan. You might know her as xLittleMystery from Youtube. She's an angel <3

Well, it's a quarter to eleven. I'm going to sleep and then tomorrow I'll do my best again! I really have to record for some projects and I want to upload a solodub! My SootjeNL-account could use some new dubs! But that's stuff to think about tomorrow!

Oyasumi everyone!
Let's have beautiful dreams tonight...


woensdag 14 april 2010

Yep, that's me...

Second post! Wow, I did it!!

First of all, I'd need to mention I am really bad with titles! How can those bloggers find so many great and fitting titles? This is 'Yep, that's me' because I'd like to introduce myself a little bit more.

So, that's me! haha.
As you can see I have light skin and dark hair and eyes. I like that, actually, even though it wouldn't be weird to have a skin thats a little bit darker. But since I have liked Hello!Project and saw those cute Japanese people, I didnt really care anymore. It has something kawaii, even though I dont think I am... unfortunately. I wish I was cuter!
But please let me explain why I look like this! My mother, she was born here, in the Netherlands. She has a pale skin and blonde hairs. People often ask if I am adopted... NOOO!!! It's my dad's fault. He was born in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. He has a kinda dark skin and dark hair and eyes. I have almost everything from him, EXCEPT my skincolor! It's kinda weird, but lately I became okay with it! =)

At the moment, I am 16 years old, born in January 1994. I live together with my Mom and her boyfriend. I visit my father every weekend (even though there's not something like a scheme). They divorced in 2001 or 2002. I don't really mind it. It's better that they are happy now and they still are good friends! Their happiness is the most important thing for me! <3

As you could see at the picture above, I have an animal! Well, actually I have more than only a dog, but I am at my mom's house now and here I have a dog. It's called Daisy. I have to say, I never knew dogs could be so weird. This dog is impossible! But I have to admit, it's a cutie, though!
At my dad's house I have a cat, Floris. He's black and white and it's a lovely animal, but it doesnt seem to like me =[ I always want to hug it, but when I do, Floris will be away in a few seconds! Sad, isn't it?

Pretty isn't it?
I have no idea what kind of flower it is and it looks actually pretty weird, but I really like the color! It reminds me of the spring! It has finally started! The sun is back and you can feel it! It feels so good! The little sunshines of spring on your face. It's so much better than the snow whe had for... a few months? Brrrr!
Let's hope for a nice spring and a good summer!

Now I'll have to go to bed. Tomorrow I have to go to school and I can tell you, I am not a morning person! I better go to bed, haha!



dinsdag 13 april 2010

A blog, oh my!

I never thought this day would come...
Me and a blog? That seems to be hopeless...

Well, I thought I might try it. The worst thing that could happen is that I wont be active and that Im talking to myself. That's not that weird, is it? I like to talk to myself. I'm maybe the only one that really listens anyways...

So, today, 13 April 2010, the day after Yoshizawa Hitomi's and Suzuki Airi's birthday, I started this blog. I called it 'Lovely Candystore'... kinda lame isn't it? Maybe kinda cute? I hope so... I like candy, especially digital candy, that I can give to all of you! And I will, because you are reading this message and that's a miracle! So please take a bite! *gives some candy*

for me, this could be killing... ór being great for my english and for my... well, for my english. Im Dutch, live in The Netherlands, Europe. My English isn't that great, so please forgive me mistakes!

And of course, something more fun than making a blog in English, is talking about great things, like Hello!Project covergroups, fandubs and hello!project in general. I love to sing and I really have been into Hello!Project since June 2009, so that's not even a year. In those few months I became a fandubber and now I am part of several coverprojects. I'll definitely talk about them and their releases. I can't wait for them! I love to hear new groupdubs and improvements. I hope all the projects I am in will improve a lot and I hope I'll do too...

Bonus fact about me: I talk a lot!

So, this is the start of Lovely Candystore...
Lets try to keep this alive =)
